Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Otras noticias


DOCTORAL GRANT OFFER: Public competition for the contracting of a pre-doctoral research staff position in training (PIPF 2024), to carry out the doctorate in Analytical Chemistry, Chemometrics and sensory for analytical solutions reserach group

Subject Advanced Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Techniques for Food Fraud Detection

Characteristics of the contract:

Trainee predoctoral researcher will have full-time research and teaching duties. Their main obligation will be to complete a doctoral thesis at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and, at the same time, to carry out all of the doctoral programme activities in order to acquire the skills and abilities necessary to obtain the official university degree of doctorate. They will collaborate in teaching activities up to a maximum of 180 hours during the total extension of the predoctoral contract and a maximum of 60 hours per year.

Likewise, if the trainee predoctoral researcher finishes and successfully defends their doctoral thesis before the end of the contract, they may continue in a postdoctoral role for a maximum period of 12 months. The doctoral degree is considered to have been obtained on the date of the defence and approval of the doctoral thesis. In any case, the maximum duration of the work contract may not exceed the maximum period, four years.


In order to qualify for a trainee predoctoral research contract, candidates must:

  • Be aged between 18 and the retirement age.
  • Have the functional capacity to perform the duties of the job to be filled.
  • Not have left the service of any of the public administrations for disciplinary reasons, or be forbidden from carrying out public functions.
  • Not be disqualified in any of the ways listed in Law 53/1984, of 26 December, regarding the disqualification of personnel from the public administrations.
  • Not be in possession of a doctoral degree.
  • Comply with the requirements to access a doctoral programme

End of period for application: 25/06/2024

If you have questions or need help filling out the application, you can contact itziar.ruisanchez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat


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